
Ubiquitous Links Page

Examples of New Gypsy Wagons 

Rachel the Goat Woman's Vardo site
Rachel is the queen of the Drom! A SCAdian, she's the one who put the worm in my head that I had to have a vardo!

The Wandering Book Artists Gypsy Wagon

These are some bookbinders that built a Gypsy Wagon in which to travel around doing demonstrations and teaching their bookbinding skills. They live in it when they're on the road.

The Baldwin Caravan
This vardo was built by a couple of retired professors.

Jim Tolpin's Tiny House Blog - Gypsy Wagon Page
Absolutely beautiful workmanship here, Mr. Tolpin builds little tiny houses for people to live in who don't want all of the trouble of a regular sized house.

Gypsy Wagon, Gypsy Coach
Website for a cute Victorian style Gypsy Wagon built by a man in Boulder, CO.

Scott's Ledge Vardo
Really neat vardo made of recycled and found materials. Unfortunately, it recently met with a mishap in the shape of a snowstorm and an errant pony...

Dori's Ledge Part 1

Dori's Ledge Part 2
Dori's Ledge Part 3
I love this vardo. It's actually made of something called 'Thermasteel', which consists of a steel framework filled with expanded polystyrene. The color scheme is really neat (very bright!) and I love the paint work that she did on the floral carvings. Plus the patterned tin ceiling.

Darrel's Vardo
This vardo has amazing detail work including Green Man downspouts, lark's tongue beveling detail, and beautiful cutouts of leaves, and a bay window. It's based on a metal framework This guy's workshop is incredible, too.

Research Pages

The Wikipedia Entry for 'Vardo'
This page explains the different types of gypsy wagons.

Gypsy Wagons. Co. UK
A website for people who collect, restore, and live in gypsy wagons in the UK. Great research page.

VardoVisions Page
This is a page from a blog which is about Bohemian style decorating. It has pictures from a French book on Gypsy style decorating, which is great for color ideas!

Gypsy Wagon Plans and Builders 

The Don Vardo 
This page also has plans on how to build a the vardo pictured.

The New Gypsy Caravan
Plans for a modern style bowtop.

Ingham and Fallon
Site for a company that sells, and restores wagons. They also sell plans.

Ranch Willow Wagons
A builder in Wyoming.

Daphne's Caravans
The talented lady who helped Rachel build vardo #2.

Gypsy Trailers USA
I love the 'Hobbit-y' look of these trailers. Gorgeous!

Discussion Groups

Vardo Shavora Yahoo Group
A discussion group about Gypsy Wagons. A lot of the members are in the SCA, so are very knowledgeable about the particulars of building a wagon suitable for SCA camping.

The Pennsic Homeowner's Association Yahoo Group
A discussion group for people who want to build medieval style structures to live in at Pennsic War. Some are meant to be left on-site, some are mobile. Not all are vardos, but there are many good ideas that translate well to vardo building, as well as a lot of experience and expertise.

Neat Stuff I Found..

The Tudor Artisans
For someone with plenty of moolah, this is a wonderful page! Tudor reproductions of all kinds of nifty things, including hinges and door hardware, leaded glass windows, lighting and other neat stuff.

Design Toscano
A place that sells all kinds of historical reproductions. Try the Medieval and Gothic section. Tapestries, lighting and stained glass. I dare you not to drool over something.

Van Dykes Restorers
Another site featuring reproductions of antique hardware.

Northeast Stained Glass
These guys fixed our leaded glass windows. They're in Newton! Who knew? The restore all kinds of stained glass windows, including church windows, and they also sell stained glass making supplies. Very nice people, and know their stuff.

Earth Song Tiles
These wonderfully talented people are based in Canada. Celtic, mythological, and nature themed tiles. They also do custom work. Lots of beautiful glazing options. You'll be drooling in ten seconds flat.